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Assessment & 


We work with young girls and their families facing the problems of today. Teenage girls face various mental health challenges in today's world and need speciality services.  We specialize in treating issues such as body image, self-harm, self-esteem, self-worth, disorted eating, anxiety and depression.


- Family Counseling: We work with teenage girls and their family members to ensure that all members of the family receive necessary help

- Mother-Daughter Counseling: We work with mothers and daughters to enhance relationships of all ages, re-build communication and create peace

- Sibling Counseling: Getting along can be a task for families, and oftentimes teenagers struggle with sibling relationships; we can help  

Our clinicians are highly trained to provide comforting and non-distracting environments for our teenage clients and their family members during assessments, individual and various sessions.  

We use special therapeutic instruments to diagnose teens with disorders such as: ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), autism, OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), depression and anxiety.  In addition, we treat behaviors such as: cutting / self-harming behaviors, and other acting out (internet safety, running away and truancy).

We treat teenage girls who have been through trauma including sexual abuse in any form, whether recent or historically.  We have a highly trained team that creates an enviornment of healing and safety.

We work with local school districts to ensure that our client’s needs are met whether in our office, at school or in their home environment.  We can create a plan that works for the family to get the child back on track and functioning at their best.

Teenage Girls 

Serving Girls Ages 13-17 Years Old

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